
I swear, he would lie in wait. Anxiously awaiting my next post, or my next comment on a thread. He was always ready to pounce.

He was an ardent supporter of a project I was working on….a project where I was uncovering a host of problematic spending and relationships. He proclaimed my work to be “quackery” and proclaimed me to be an “idiot” and “moron” and “bitch.”

Oh Mr. M. How delightful he was! [SARCASM]

My first instinct was to spew the venom back his way. And back then, I’m pretty sure I did that a time or two. After all, what’s one to do when they are being viciously attacked?

On numerous occasions I had to physically hold my husband back from hitting the “enter” button on his computer screen. He couldn’t help himself…after all, what’s a husband to do when his wife is being viciously attacked?

The words Mr. M used were vile, cruel, hurtful and false.

Several months into the nightmare, we were at a large gathering at someone’s private home. One of those gatherings where every room and outside area was a notable “who’s who” of the town where we live.

Obviously, we were out of place 😉. But, I digress…

A friend of mine came up to me and said, “I’d like you to meet someone.” She had a twinkle in her eye and an up-to-no-good grin, and I should have known better. But I followed her to another room…

…where she introduced me to Mr. M.!

Graciously, I stuck out my hand to greet him (my dad taught me manners and the importance of a handshake) and was met with a half-hearted attempt (can we say limp in this forum?! 😳) at a handshake.

Quite literally, his face turned red. His upper lip started to sweat. And he was unable to form a coherent sentence.

Admittedly, I felt a little victory in that moment. And then, sadness for the pitiful person this man was.

And it dawned on me….

Safe behind his computer screen, he could say whatever he wanted. No matter how vile it was.

But here, in real life, that was no longer acceptable behavior.

And he knew it. And was ashamed.

As you traverse the internet and attempt to gain an understanding of all that is happening and all that we are going to face in the next 90 days, I urge you to GET REAL and practice our RULE #1.

It’s the hardest rule to practice. But practice it we must, because we need to focus on the BIGGER GOALS:


And the first rule of Getting Real is this:

If You Can’t Say it to their Face, then Don’t Post It! ❣️

Let’s Get Real.